The faster way to build credit

No credit checks, hidden fees, or interest.
Plans from $5/month

Get Started
Credit goals?
Whether you need a loan or new wheels, better credit can help.

Helping credit builders score.
No credit checks, hidden fees, or interest.

Proven results

On average, users with starting credit below 600 saw a +28pt improvement in their first month2.

Trusted by bureaus

The power of Tri-bureau: Kikoff reports to all 3 major credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, & TransUnion.

Loved by fans

Kikoff is an all-time fan favorite—just ask the internet: 99% of App Store reviews are 4-stars or higher.
Customers & Counting
iOS App Store Rating
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reviews

Plans from $5/month

Start with a plan,
‍skip the credit check

Credit builder plans starting at $5/month* that help you build credit when you pay on time.
Sign up in minutes. Cancel anytime.
No credit checks. No hidden fees. No interest.

Score more without breaking a sweat

Your specialized, reported tradeline instantly adds to your credit mix, grows your average account age, & can help you to build payment history & lower utilization with on-time monthly payments.

payment screenshot

More ways to win,
all in one place

Kikoff helps elevate your rise to credit success. Monitor & master key credit tactics with a bottomless credit building toolbox.

Track progress & tackle goals
Build credit with rent payments1
Flag errors & file disputes in minutes
Kikoff Credit Service
Plans & pricing

Kikoff Basic

Our most popular plan.
Low cost, no frills.
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$750 reported tradeline1
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No credit check
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Reports to Equifax
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Reports to Experian
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Reports to TransUnion
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Tools, tracking, & insights
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Bank-level security & support

Kikoff Premium

Our most balanced plan.
Packed with extra features.
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$2500 reported tradeline1
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Rent Reporting
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No credit check
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Reports to Equifax
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Reports to Experian
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Reports to TransUnion
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Tools, tracking, & insights
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Bank-level security & support

Kikoff Ultimate

Our most powerful plan.
Everything, plus protection.
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$3500 reported tradeline1
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Rent Reporting
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$1M Identify theft insurance
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Personal data protection
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No credit check
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Reports to Equifax
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Reports to Experian
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Reports to TransUnion
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Tools, tracking, & insights
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Bank-level security & support
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Personal data protection
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$1M Identify theft insurance

Credit building tools
for every step of your journey1


Each time I was checking my credit, points were just accumulating. My credit has improved 156 points with Kikoff.

Oakland, CA

I was ready to clean up my credit but I didn't have a ton of options. Kikoff worked and I still don't know how. Up to 700 after a year.

Detroit, MI

i couldn't get a car to save my life n Kikoff helped get me from 545 to like 6 something in like 2 months. def worked for me!!!! thank yoouuuuu ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Atlanta, GA

My credit was in the 400s.... I didn't even know credit could go that low. Now it's in the 600s. Don't even think about it, just sign up.

Oakland, CA